Coolmaster Net - CooLink Hub support

Hello! Home Assistant has integration with CoolMaster climate platform -
It works great.
Does anyone know if this integration supports CooLink Hub + CoolPlug, a device from the same company?
CoolPlug + CooLink Hub description

great work
i followed the steps in the mentioned link but un fortunately i cannot integrate cool master net with my HA

Hi @mgamal9152! Have you checked whether CoolMaster Net works through the proprietary Cool Remote app?

I tried the App and it’s Working good

it might be a matter of your network settings. Coolmaster Net uses port 10102 by default. Check if it is blocked on your network.

Hi there, do you manage to get it setup through coolmasternet? I was planing to get the coolinkhub and plug.

Does this integration still work? I am thinking about using it to control a set of City Multi S-series units (specifically 2x PUMY-P48NHMU units with a set of indoor units hung off them). I assume I would need 2 of the coolmasternet hubs, one for each outdoor unit.

In this model, do the indoor units get their room temp sensor data from whatever is plugged into the CN105 jack?

I was thinking about just biting the bullet and using the Kumo wifi adapters ( PAC-USWHS002-WF-2) but those things only do wifi setup via WPS, and I have a very nice unifi system that doesn’t support that. I was hoping to avoid the frustration of dealing with the WPS issue if the coolmasternet was a good solution.

@fresnoboy Hello! Yes, the integration is still working for me

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