Coral TPU USB-Stick for Frigate: USB Problems!

Sorry, it is not a Frigate/Home Assistant question yet, as I am struggling with the USB stick right from the beginning:

I run HASS on a Virtualbox VM under Windows 10 host. I am supposed to add the Coral USB stick in Virtualbox: I can find the stick there as Global Unichip Corp. [0100]. But in HASS it is then not recognized: lsusb does not show the device/stick.

Using USBDeview tool under Windows shows the USB device, but with a purple dot and in the description it says (DFU). Googling and AI-chatting tells me that the (brand new) stick seems to be in firmware update mode. And this, probably, makes it not working/beeing found in HASS.

All my research could not get me to get the dmd stick out of its DFU mode. I also had installed the edgetpu_runtime software (which may or may not include needed drivers for Windows)?

Tried the stick on several USB-3 ports on my host PC, restarted Windows, HASS a couple of times (despite I believe it is not (yet) a HASS isse but a Windows Coral USB one).

Any help from you guys is very much appreciated, thanks in advance!

I’m using ha in docker and I have this in my docker compose

      - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb # passes the USB Coral

It was some time ago i set this thing up but I do rember that I had some problems with coral recognized by frigate.

pass to the virtual machine the entire usb port and not the device itself