Cord connected lamp switch via Smart Plug disrupting automations


Currently looking to fully understand the behavior of this Smart Plug.
I have Home Assistant Supervisor installed, the plug recognized within HA and by the HUSBZB-1 USB Hub.
Everything works from a setup standpoint; I can manually turn the light on/off from the HA dashboard.

I want to plug a lamp like this, into the Smart Plug, but am concerned with manual on/off via the switch connected to the lamp. If the Smart Plug is on (on in HA dashboard), lamp light is on, and I manually use the cord connected switch to turn the lamp light off, the Smart Plug is still on (on in HA dashboard). It seems you need to use the cord connected switch to turn the light back on before toggling in HA dashboard can turn the light on/off.

I am assuming there isn’t any way for the Smart Plug or HA to update itself. We will have to learn to stop using the cord connected switch, correct? Is this where input_boolean’s come into play to handle this? I’ve tried searching for this, but couldn’t find anything. I suspect my phrasing isn’t enough to get a hit. Hopefully this is quite easily explainable.


Uh, yes.

How would HA know that the lamp manual switch has been turned off?

If you turn it off from the manual switch there is nothing you can do with any HA thing that can turn that manual switch back on.

No. Not unless the plug has power monitoring then you could use that to turn the plug off. But tht still can’t solve the problem that you have turned the manual switch off.

Even if you subsequently turn the plug back on the lamp won’t turn on because you still have the manual switch turned off.


won’t help.