CoreElec not boot Home Assistant Supervised on Docker

Tutorial help me (with video as possible) install Home Assistant Supervised on CoreElec. Thank you
I followed the instructions below but it didn’t work.
Supervised Home assistant on CoreELEC (We got a live one!) - Operating System - CoreELEC Forums

Home Assistant OS, is a dedicated operating system for Home Assistant. Supervised installs, are not Home Assistant OS.

Unlikely anyone reading this forum would have attempted this, tbh.
Even the thread you mention seemed to indicate it was tricky…

It’s not too difficult. Those who have used it will do

I didn’ t realize I could speak Vietamese :joy:

Well, it didn’t work, did it? Or you managed to solve your issue by yourself?

I have translated it into my language. I had to use HA Core. I’m waiting for the video tutorial with the solution in the link above