Correct my home address

Very new to HA and getting my feet wet editing configuration.yaml. I’m using Docker containers so don’t have access to some HA-OS features. I’m trying to get the Map to represent where my actual house is. Right now it is several blocks off… I managed to finally get it off Amsterdam. I have been unable to drag the home icon on the map to proper location. Here’s what I’ve done:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
    name: Home
    latitude: <redacted>
    longitude: <redacted>
    elevation: 4
    customize: !include customize.yaml

I was unable to get zone.home to work in configuration.yaml so created the customize.yaml.

  radius: 20

Continuing to google instruction, I found this under Developer tools:States when I typed in Home:

latitude: <redacted>
longitude: <redacted>
radius: 20
passive: false
persons: []
editable: true
icon: mdi:home
friendly_name: Home

I’ve removed the actual lat/long numbers because I’ve seen others doing that… must be a reason as I’m not too worried about people finding out where I live… but maybe that is naive. Figure my phone broadcasts it to the advertisers, anyway.

Anyway… figure I probably need to start over somewhere with these files…wondering what the proper method of getting that house icon on my actual address. Saw one post about putting it on OpenStreetMaps… just not sure how that would show up in HA or what i would need to do to get it to show. thanks for reading!

Solved by code-in-progress:

[quote=“code-in-progress, post:2, topic:717066”]
So, if you use something like and enter your address, you should get valid lat/long coordinates. If you add those through your configuration.yaml, it should pinpoint your address.

So, if you use something like and enter your address, you should get valid lat/long coordinates. If you add those through your configuration.yaml, it should pinpoint your address.

According to your yaml, everything looks correct to me.

Thank you code-in-progress - that did the trick. I didn’t realize lat/long was so accurate… should have known. !Doh!

Rather take the solved text out of title and tick the right post as the solution. The forum software will then do it’s magic and display it in an easy to follow way, which will help others.