Correct syntax for evaluating field?


I am just trying to automatize a tts automization/script. I tried the following in the development tools → template tool:

{% set wave_volume = states.media_player.wave_soundtouch_wohnzimmer.attributes['volume_level'] %} 
{{ '{{wave_volume}}' == '0.2' }}

The results is when the volume is 0.2

while it should be true. What am I mixing up here?

Try using the recommended templating example-

{{ state_attr('media_player.wave_soundtouch_wohnzimmer', 'volume_level') == 0.2 }}


{{ is_state_attr('media_player.wave_soundtouch_wohnzimmer', 'volume_level', 0.2) }}

I think the problem occur because volume_level value is number, while by using ‘0.2’ (quotes), you make it as a string. So comparing number to string would not work.

I found another option:

{% set wave_volume = states.media_player.wave_soundtouch_wohnzimmer.attributes['volume_level'] %} 
{{ wave_volume == unknown }}

which renders the correct evaluation.