Correct way to include entity attributes to scene.create?


I have problem with scene.create. What I found out when snapshotting entity which is climate, it doesn’t snapshot anything else than main state which is hvac_mode (cool, heat, dry, fan_only or off)

Thats ok for half of my climate automations but the another half would require the attribute of fan_mode (1,2,3,4 or 5) to be included and to be restorable.

So how I could get the state of attribute fan_mode included to scene.create snapshot?

I have tried with this manual by changing the “led strip” to my climate entity and changing xy color to fan_mode but no luck. Also I have tried to get that through Node-Red but no luck there.

I have used this JSON on Call-Service node to make the snapshots:

and its working well but as I said it doesn’t snapshot anything else than hvac_mode.

It would be perfect to find to resolution to use with Node-Red, but if find working way through YAML that will be ok too.

Best regards

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Just curious if you found a solution to this? I’m having a very similar problem.

I’m using the Honeywell TCC integration with multiple thermostats. Whenever I attempt to creat a scene I get the following error:

Failed to call service scene/turn_on required key not provided @ data[‘preset_mode’]

I get this error whenI create the scene in Lovelace or I use the scene.create command.

I’ve attempted multiple ways around this including templating but can’t seem to figure it out…

Same problem here.

I’m also having the same problem

I would be interested in this too

bump :stuck_out_tongue: would be nice if this was native in the scene.create service

Ah was looking for a way to grab a speakers attributes as scene create on state doesn’t work!

Same for me. Wanted to record cover position and restore it. Doesn’t work.