Correct way to integrate ble sensors in mqtt

just wondering, what would be the “correct” way to have values coming from BLE sensors in MQTT?
I have some BLE sensors integrated in HA through specific integrations, but i’d need the values also on MQTT (for uses outside HA), how should i do that in the cleaner way?
automation monitoring sensor states and consequently publishing on mqtt?
Any specific integration doing that (which one?)
Or is there anything embedded in HA i’m missing?


Theengs and OpenMQTTGateway are doing what you want exactly:

  • Theengs gateway on a computer, server, or Raspberry Pi. Use the publish all option if you want to see all the advertisements. It is available as an Add-on
  • Theengs app on a mobile phone
  • Theengs plug is a smart plug and BLE gateway leveraging OpenMQTTGateway
  • OpenMQTTGateway with the option onlysensors to false will publish all the advertisements

They enable to enter an MQTT broker credentials and publish data to it.