I am setting up an automation to run every day at a specified time to send and email containing the current temperature of a DS18B20 sensor connected to a ESP8266. I have found the basic configuration.yaml file in previous posts, but I get the following error.
Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data['notify']
Here is the full configuration.yaml file for the automation
- name: daily_sms
platform: smtp
server: smtp.gmail.com
port: 587
timeout: 15
sender: [MY_USERNAME]@gmail.com
encryption: starttls
username: [MY_USERNAME]@gmail.com
password: [MY_PASSWORD]
recipient: [RECIPIENT]@gmail.com
alias: Chest Freezer Daily Text
description: Send daily text with current temperature of chest freezer
mode: single
- platform: time
at: '21:50:00'
condition: []
message: The temperature in the chest freezer is {{states("sensor.chest_freezer_temperature")}}C
title: Daily Freezer Status
service: notify.daily_sms
I have not been able to find any clear solutions on how to set this up.