Today my RPI4 stopped working. After looking at the console it seems there is disk corruption preventing the docker deamon from starting. It throws me to the emergency console.
My backups to Nextcloud failed for a long time, I forgot to change my domain name when I migrated. So I am hoping to restore from the local backup on the SSD, assuming it is still readable.
I have tried fsck on /dev/sda8 . It says it is clean. When I check it from my laptop it does state it needs repairing.
But I cannot mount this drive in my Linux machine. All I get is the error that this is a read-only file system. I have tried mounting it as read only (–option ro), but the same error.
Is there any way for me to get my backup archive from this drive before reinstalling home assistant to a new ssd? I feel that there is a reasonable chance the data is usable, but I am completely unable to access it. I am not a Linux adept, so that is no help either.