Could not move datadisk on secondary SATA drive in Dell Wyse + HaOS 7.6 generic x86


I’ve got Dell Wyse D90D7 with two disks: first is 16GB SSD connected directly to motherboard’s SATA socket and second is 1TB HDD connected to additional SATA port. I’ve installed generic x86_64 image on 16GB disk - this runs perfectly. Now I want to “move datadisk” to 1TB HDD (according to this manual: but UI and also HaOS CLI tells me that there is no datadisk available (ha os datadisk list shows empty list). Strange because both of them are visible on Hardware tab, 16GB SSD as /dev/sda and 1TB HDD as /dev/sdb. What’s the problem? Is there any solution?

I was wondering if you found any insight to this issue? I just ran into something similar and found your post via google.
In my situation I have a HP micro form factor PC with a .M2 128GB SSD and a 500GB SATA SSD. I have the system loaded on the M2 and wanted to move the datadisk over to the SATA. In my case the gui did offer a choice sda/… But after more than 45 minutes nothing happened. I had to shut down, pull the SATA and reboot.
