Could not render template Batterie-Status with attributes.battery_level

I try to get the battery status of my fibaro_system_fgms00z1zw5_motion_sensor.
when I look into the state, I do see:


Sleeping (CacheLoad)

lastResponseRTT: 0
is_failed: false
capabilities: routing,beaming
is_ready: false
sentFailed: 1
receivedDups: 2
is_awake: false
receivedUnsolicited: 3
battery_level: 100
node_id: 15
lastRequestRTT: 0
product_name: FGMS001 Motion Sensor
receivedCnt: 3
receivedTS: 2017-04-26 12:04:39:301
max_baud_rate: 40000
sentCnt: 1
query_stage: CacheLoad
averageResponseRTT: 0
retries: 0
is_zwave_plus: false
friendly_name: FIBARO System FGMS001 Motion Sensor
sentTS: 2017-04-26 12:01:06:670
manufacturer_name: FIBARO System
wake_up_interval: 7200
averageRequestRTT: 0
is_info_received: true

now I try to setup a sensor:

      friendly_name: 'Batterie-Status Kuche'
    #    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001_motion_sensor_general_15_0.attributes.battery_level }}'
      value_template: '{{ states.zwave.fibaro_system_fgms001_motion_sensor_15.attributes.battery_level }}'
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001_motion_sensor_general_15_0

All I get in the log is:
17-04-26 12:00:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor.template] Could not render template Batterie-Status Kuche, the state is unknown.

Can anybody help how I can get the Battery level of my motion sensor???

I have this error as well during first boot.
However, after a minute or so the value becomes visible.
Maybe also look at: