Could this script have created an endless loop (repeat)? And kill the instance

been trying to figure out for a couple of vacations now, why I see my HA instance go to 100% memory_use_pecent, run 80 degrees C and finally reboot… It seems to coincide with morning routines, and I scrutinized all scripts/automations, as thorough as I believed was thorough.

And yet, my last vacation was trouble again. Ive grown accustomed to wake up before my alarmclock, and check, and then quickly restart the core, to prevent it from happening. Even created an automation now to do that automatically.

Still, I had no real lead. Until just now, I found a really huge file in the .storage, which I opened in a text editor, to reveal traces… and the date and time made me think of the final reboot the system did before I took measures in my own hands.

scrolling a long way down in the file, but still nowhere near the end, I find a last script being called, and after that, all repeating entries…

    "script.espresso_on_when_home": [
        "extended_dict": {
          "last_step": "sequence/0/repeat/until/0/entity_id/0",
          "run_id": "5920077e24aece6168896a6ceb6ef90a",
          "state": "stopped",
          "script_execution": "cancelled",
          "timestamp": {
            "start": "2022-08-30T04:27:06.787435+00:00",
            "finish": "2022-08-30T04:32:42.243826+00:00"
          "domain": "script",
          "item_id": "espresso_on_when_home",
          "trace": {
            "sequence/0": [
                "path": "sequence/0",
                "timestamp": "2022-08-30T04:27:06.790977+00:00",
                "changed_variables": {
                  "this": {
                    "entity_id": "script.espresso_on_when_home",
                    "state": "off",
                    "attributes": {
                      "last_triggered": "2022-08-29T03:48:22.201167+00:00",
                      "mode": "restart",
                      "current": 0,
                      "friendly_name": "Espresso on when home"
                    "last_changed": "2022-08-29T05:56:04.823784+00:00",
                    "last_updated": "2022-08-29T05:56:04.823784+00:00",
                    "context": {
                      "id": "01GBM2QQ2QC5AFPFRZ8ZEWX47M",
                      "parent_id": null,
                      "user_id": null
                  "context": {
                    "id": "01GBPG1H4PPVSZYZMRFH9NRCWG",
                    "parent_id": null,
                    "user_id": "5802703abd9546fa96451cd52068c446"
            "sequence/0/repeat/sequence/0": [
                "path": "sequence/0/repeat/sequence/0",
                "timestamp": "2022-08-30T04:32:42.100940+00:00",
                "changed_variables": {
                  "repeat": {
                    "first": false,
                    "index": 457656
                "result": {
                  "result": true
                "path": "sequence/0/repeat/sequence/0",
                "timestamp": "2022-08-30T04:32:42.101609+00:00",
                "changed_variables": {
                  "repeat": {
                    "first": false,
                    "index": 457657
                "result": {
                  "result": true
                "path": "sequence/0/repeat/sequence/0",
                "timestamp": "2022-08-30T04:32:42.102294+00:00",
                "changed_variables": {
                  "repeat": {
                    "first": false,
                    "index": 457658
                "result": {
                  "result": true
                "path": "sequence/0/repeat/sequence/0",
                "timestamp": "2022-08-30T04:32:42.102961+00:00",
                "changed_variables": {
                  "repeat": {
                    "first": false,
                    "index": 457659

as this is line 75968, and the file goes to 17470073, this might give you an idea…

now the script is:

# Only turn on Espresso if Wijke or Marijn is home
    alias: Espresso on when home
    mode: restart
      - repeat:
            - condition: state
              entity_id: switch.espresso_keuken
              state: 'off'
            - condition: >
                {{is_state('person.marijn','home') or is_state('person.wijke','home')}}
            - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.espresso_keuken
            - delay:
                minutes: 1
            - condition: state
              entity_id: switch.espresso_keuken
              state: 'on'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.notify_developing
        state: 'on'
      - service: notify.system
          title: Espresso
          message: >
            {{now().timestamp()|timestamp_custom('%X')}}: Espresso switched on

which I hoped would check if the espresso machine is ‘off’, either me or my spouse are at home, and then turn on, and wait a minute. It needs to repeat that, because the switch doesnt always report its on.

if its on, stop and continue.

How on earth would this be able to run into an endless loop, and a very quick one at that?

these huge memory spikes are like:

or worse:

As far as I can see, this script would not even pass the second condition and halt there?

as the trace says:

          "state": "stopped",
          "script_execution": "cancelled",

so that would seem ok?

its part of a larger script

          "config": {
            "alias": "Opstaan",
            "mode": "restart",
            "sequence": [
                "service": "script.turn_on",
                "entity_id": [

please have a look?

Oh yeah.

The reason it only happens when you are on vacation is because it doesn’t have the 1 minute delay if you and wijke aren’t home. So the turn on and the delay never happen, the condition stops those. And then the espresso maker never turns on causing it to loop forever, instantly. Which would cause a memory leak for sure.

Put the condition before the entire repeat sequence and you should be good.

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right! I see that now… Ive stared at this for so long… thank you Petro.

Ofc, this is a user error. Still, I would have figured HA to be so mature, it would guard itself against these kind of errors, and prevent a self destructive loop somehow…

It’s funny you mention that, it does have guards against that but they are applied to the entire automation, not a loop inside the automation.