"Couldn't find Hue Bridge", Emulated Hue Help w/ Google Home Device

What comes up when you hit http://:80/api/pi/lights ?

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The link works

I manged to fix it somehow, I run HA bridge and then the hue registration worked in the goggle home app.
Afterwords I disabled the HA bridge and re-enabled the emulated hue bridge, and it worked becuase the google home app already had the hue registered

Just to save your time, no real Google Home, no worky!

Nothing to work at all? Ive got google assistant on my phone and on hass.io, can i get it paired up?

IFTTT, no need for emulated_hue

Thanks, but don’t I have to go in and make every single voice command?

I’m actually thinking about getting Phillips hue, can I get emulated hue working with Google assistant if I have a physical hue bridge?

Which bit of ‘no’ is confusing you?

I read somewhere that if you have a physical hue bridge, then emulated works? Or is it only if you have a physical Google home?

You haven’t read that anywhere, you may have read of others who thought it might help but the two are completely unrelated. Emulated_hue just ‘looks like’ Hue connected light bulbs to other devices, nothing more than that.

ahh right thanks, looks like i’ll have to wait for google to release their mini google home that competes with the echo dot, and then i can get one of them. then using an older apk of the home app i should be able to connect it?

In theory, yes :slight_smile:

thanks, hopefully the google dot or whatever they call it is the same price or cheaper than the echo dot.

I have echo dot and use emulated hue bridge. I just work fine and before 3 days just stop. Now it’s not possible to connect alexa to hue bridge. Don’t know why. I god list in URL:8300 and everything works fine. It may be some issue in phillips api.
I try to link it, but it always ask to PRESS HUE BRIDGE Botton. I check hue app for android and it also cannot find Hue bridge.

A heads up to all those impacted by the Emulated Hue issues:

That’ll be a ‘yes’ then :slight_smile:

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Watching this topic - want to do the same myself

My RM pro arrived yesterday, getting it setup on HassIO.

However, it looks like the new Broadlink app - Intelligent Home Center (IHC) supports Alexa already

Does this imply it could be made to work with Google Home, or is it a case of waiting till Broadlink bring out Google Home support?

According to the reviews at Amazon the Broadlink Alexa Skill is quite limited and support only tv’s. Guess a potential GA Skill (or how the are named) will not do much more

Really? I have a physical Google Home, but it doesn’t work for me. I have the same issue: If I try to add the Phillips Hue with the GH app, I am not able to find it. Why does your setup work?

I moved away from emulated_hue and use now the Google Assistant component, way better

Oh ok. So I have to use it as well, to get it work

Problem is: My HA is not accessable from outside thanks to a tunneled ipv4 adress