"Couldn't find Hue Bridge", Emulated Hue Help w/ Google Home Device

Hello, I have HA version 0.43.2 on RPi3. My Broadlink wifi switches (SP3) are working in the HA user interface! I can turn on/off with slider switches. But I cannot turn them on/off with Google Home Assistant Device voice commands:

I tried using HA Bridge, couldn’t get it, then clicked “Bridge Stop” to focus on getting the Hue Emulator to work. I added the following to my Configuration.yaml file:

listen_port: 80

Then I go to my Google Home App on my iPhone and click Add New Device -
It asks me to log in to Philips Hue, I do,
Then it says “Couldn’t find Hue Bridge”

Any ideas what I should do next? Thank you all for your time.

FYI This is what I added to configuration.yaml to get the Broadlink switches to show up in the HA front end:
switch 1:
platform: broadlink
host: 192.168.1.xxx
mac: ‘B4:43:0D:C5:19:xx’
type: sp3
friendly_name: ‘one’

Did you test to see if this URL works for you? after emulated_hue was setup and enabled

http://<HA IP Address>:8300/description.xml
http://<HA IP Address>:8300/api/pi/lights

If not, you’d need to set the permission, see below for instruction directly from homeassistant.io page:
sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/python3

do you have an physical Google Home device?

Yes. Thank you Claudio!

Yes, I had already issued that command and still the iPhone Google Home App does not find a Philips Hue Hub. But the links you sent only work if I replace the “:8300” with “80”

I think that’s because I set listen_port: 80 in the configuration file per instructions:
host_ip: 192.168.1.###
listen_port: 80

Google Home can only be at port 80
Alexa you can use 8300, 8301, or other.

Sometimes port 80 is used by other program, and then you have conflict. To know if you have other program type in a browser

and see what happens (replace the IP with the IP of your pi3)

yeah, good advice, by doing that I found out that I had apache web server installed previously and port 80 is already in use.

I had same problem (Apache running) after following someone else’s instructions to install Apache! But since then I removed it. So, any other ideas why Google Home app on iPhone cannot find Hue devices after adding the Emulator to my config file?

Should I use HA-Bridge instead?

Thanks Claudio - can you still log in to my account with Team Viewer?

do you see any error in the HA log? regard to the emulated hue component.

Thank you - Claudio PM’d me a set of instructions to try, if it works, I will post here in a few hours to let others know. Thank you both, I will report back!!

I prefer to do like this, in case is not working we do teamviewer

Changes to configuration.yaml and downloading the 3 files from /shenning00 did not work - iPhone Google Home App still cannot find Hue Hub.

Upon restart of HA, the only errors are:
17-05-11 16:22:39 WARNING (Thread-8) [custom_components.emulated_hue] Listen IP address not specified, auto-detected address is 17-05-11 16:22:39 WARNING (Thread-8) [custom_components.emulated_hue] Alexa type is deprecated and will be removed in a future version 17-05-11 16:22:39 WARNING (Thread-8) [custom_components.emulated_hue] Listen IP address not specified, auto-detected address is

Can you tell me if I need these in my configuration.yaml file:
(these are the switches I am trying to turn on with Google Home:
switch 1:
platform: broadlink
mac: ‘B4:…’
type: sp3
friendly_name: ‘one’

  1. Do I need to remove HA Bridge
  2. Do I need a new yaml file like emulator.yaml or simlar - or do I only need configuration.yaml

Those are WARNING, not errors… I see them too… so you’re ok on that.

Now, I’m not sure about HABridge… you have one setup? I don’t have that… maybe you should remove it and try

Google Home’s latest app does not support find Hue devices on LAN anymore. They require the push of a button on the Hue physical Hue bridge for your Philips account to find it. Being that emulate_hue is LAN, it won’t connect. I think the only workaround for now was to find an early APK to use but it didn’t work for me either.

On habridge github:

ISSUE: Google Home now seems to not support local connection to Philips Hue Hubs and requires that it connect to meethue.com. Since the ha-bridge only emulates the local APi, and is not associated with Philips, this method will not work. If you have an older Google Home application, this may still work. YMMV.

Thank you Lehuy. But is there any way at all to make Google Home Assistant Device turn on Broadlink SP3 wifi switch and command Broadlink RM Pro?

We should list for people interested:

  1. Android tasker, RM Bridge, or Broadlink android plugin? Y/N
  2. HA Bridge on Hass,Y/N?
  3. IFTTT, Y/N?
  4. Home Assistant Hue Emulator: NO
  5. other?

Hi @HendrixHunter,
I had the same problem very recently. I found that unless you are running HA as ‘root’ it will not open port 80.

My install in on Ubuntu so I had to edit my startup script.
I’m not familiar with your install so unfortunately can’t advise on how you can do that.

Once I had port 80 open on HA my Google home was able to find the Emulated Hue bridge without issue.

are not working, there’s no way Google Home will see it.

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Thank you, I actually have those links working on port 80. But latest news (in this thread) is that Google Home no longer supports emulated hue.

When I changed the name of the Broadlink SP3 switch in the Broadlink App, Alexa device keeps the old name, so I cannot tell her to “turn off the lamp”, instead I have to use the old name “turn off the air conditioner”.

I tried “forgetting this device” on the Alexa app, uplugging Alexa, and restarting my iPhone. She still thinks the SP3 plug is for the Air Conditioner instead of the lights. BUT my RM Plugin running on Android updated to the new name!

Where is this old name being stored?!!!

I don’t have an Alexa or a Broadlink so I’m not sure.