I have a created an entity with takes timer data from my Alexa device and presents it to home assistant. However I want the timer front end to update every second. Currently it seems to update arbitrarily ever 30 seconds or so. Is there any way in Home Assistant to force it to refresh ever second?
I want to build a kitchen timer from it but it isnt very useful for looking at it in real time.
This is the code which takes the data from Alexa integration and switches to to a readable value:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Timer Alexa"
value_template: >
{% if states('sensor.chris_s_sonos_beam_next_timer') != 'unavailable' %}
{{ ((as_timestamp(states('sensor.chris_s_sonos_beam_next_timer')) - as_timestamp(now()))) | int + 1 }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
unit_of_measurement: Seconds
icon_template: hass:timer