Counter increase service call increments counter by 9

I have an automation, that increases the counter whenever it sees a binary_sensor swith to on.

alias: Dujų Skaitliuko Skaičiuoklė
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.pulse_detected
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: counter.increment
    data: {}
      entity_id: counter.duju_skaitliukas
mode: single

Most of the time this works fine. However sometimes the counter is increased by 9.

For example here the binary_sensor.pulse_detected changed to on three times:

But the counter first increased by 9 and then two times by 1:

The automation was triggered correctly three times:

And the counter is defined with step: 1

Anyone experienced something similar?

What step size did you configure in the counter?

Its 1. The counter is defined as following:

    step: 1

Still seeing such behaviour of the counter. Maybe it is because sometimes I manually set the counter state to an arbitrary number via Developer Tools. Anyways, trying to replace the counter with input_number and will see how it works now.