Counter max value


I have a few counters created where ‘maximum’ have been defined. My understanding of defining ‘maximum’ was that the counter will not exceed the value which was set as max even tough the service ‘counter.increment’ will be triggered for this particular counter. But it is exceeding… Am I doing something wrong? Hope I described my issue good enough :wink:

Problem solved. In configuration file there is a maximum defined for each of my counters (see below), but looks like it is not visible for HA - maybe it is a bug??? I did fix it by calling a service counter.configure where I have set the maximum value again and I have tested it with service counter.increment with success - value did not exceed the max defined in counter configuration.

That is how it is defined in my configuration.yaml

    initial: 0
    step: 1
    maximum: 7

And this what I can see when checking state using developers tools:


That is very strange…