trying to count the number of persistent notifications with the string ‘rss_feeds’ I had this for loop, and I do think it worked correctly before:
{% for state in states.persistent_notification %}
{% if 'rss_feed' in state.entity_id %}
{% if loop.first %}{{loop.length}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I had an issue in case of 0, since this template then shows nothing… but, and this is what’s more surprising now, it doesnt even count at all anymore…
check this:
showing correctly there are 3 pers notifications, and 1 of them has the string ’ rss_feed’ in its entity_id:
yet the template shows nothing:
what am I doing wrong here, to not have it show 1, and, how can I show 0 if there is no notification with the string in the entity_id?
a binary_sensor test works fine too:
{% set feed = states.persistent_notification
|join %}
{{'rss_feed' in feed }}
thanks for having a look