☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Your automation has stopped here:

- delay: "00:00:{{ range(drive_delay_fix|int(0), drive_delay_fix|int(0) + drive_delay_random|int(0) +1) | random }}"

with the error message:

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'done'"

I still have no idea what the problem is.
I will change the delay commands a bit. Then maybe it should be more bulletproof.

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What are you planning to do with the Workday sensor? This is a fixed integration in HA.

I have two suggestions for you.

  • At weekends and during vacations, the roller blind closes automatically but only opens manually. ← That’s how I implemented it.
    You just need to have an integrated calendar including vacations.
  • You use the resident mode. For example with a Zigbee switch or presence detector.

I’ve only really understood it now. I think so. Can’t you use the Schedule Helper?

At weekends and during vacations, the roller blind closes automatically but only opens manually. ← That’s how I implemented it.
You just need to have an integrated calendar including vacations.

that is what i want to do. how did u do that? i make a calendar (helper schedule)? or put something in my google calendar?

The vacations are saved in my Google calendar, the calendar is linked to HA. As soon as the word “vacation” appears, I trigger a switch helper with this blueprint (📆 Calendar Notifications & Actions - #3 by Blacky).

This switch is used in the CCA in the section “Additional Condition For Opening The Cover”, to block the opening.

Ok, i think i got it.
i made a blueprint with a calendar ‘Uitslapen’ with keyword ‘Uitslapen’.
the calendar is a google calendar linked in HA.

start action is a input boolean switch to set on.

the additional condition is to check if the input boolean switch is off.

i think this could do the trick.


I think that will be the solution to your problem. If your daughters also like to sleep in at the weekend, you could create a helper group with weekends and vacations. Just create a weekday sensor that only recognizes the weekends :slight_smile:

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alias: Kalender -> Uitslapen
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/calendar-notifications-and-actions.yaml
    calendar: calendar.uitslapen
    include_calendar_trigger: disable_key_word
      - service: input_boolean.turn_on
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: input_boolean.uitslapen
      - service: input_boolean.turn_off
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: input_boolean.uitslapen

i had a problem yesterday. the cover opened on CCA-early time, without the calendar entry. can i see your yaml of the calendar-blueprint?

Hi! I just started with the config, but came to a problem (for me). It is the “Contact Sensor Entity” wich won’t work for me, cause I am using Homematic three-state-sensors [open/closed/tilted] for the balkony-doors (and even some windows).

Could it be an option for an enhancement to define a “contact sensor” or alternativly a “three-state-sensor”?

At the moment, my own automation works like:

if night-mode=true (= helper) and sensor switched from * to tilted then tilt-position
if night-mode=true (= helper) ans sensor switched from * to open then then open-position
if night-mode=true (= helper) and sensor switched from * to closed then closed-position

In this case the helper is needed to avoid drive-up / drive-down during daytime. I could do it without helper (reading current LUX), but this idea came later and -you could know- sometimes I’m a little bit to lazy^^ or “never change a running system”^^

Would be nice to be able to config this too :slight_smile:

Best regards

HI guys,
at first…amazing blueprint :)…i use it to close/open my covers in the evening/morning in winter with sun elevation and time. But now in spring and later in autum it could be usefull that the covers should not close, depending on the forcast temperature!
For shading its possible to set the forcast temperatur to close the covers, if temp is higher than the given temp. But thats usesless for me i think!
So is it possible to implement an option to close the cover if the temp forcast in the night is below a given value (for example 7°C) ? Or is it still implimented and i oversee that feature?
thx for helping :slight_smile:

Hi, sorry for the late reply. There was a lot going on here over Easter :sweat_smile:

alias: Ferien Automatik
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/calendar-notifications-and-actions.yaml
    calendar: calendar.michaelloschmidt_googlemail_com
    calendar_trigger: Ferien
      - service: input_boolean.turn_on
          entity_id: input_boolean.ferien
        data: {}
      - enable_start_action_1
      - enable_end_action_1
      - service: input_boolean.turn_off
          entity_id: input_boolean.ferien
        data: {}

New update:

  - Update: Forecast Temperature below 0 possible
  - Delay lines minimally changed
  - Added: Allow shading to activate multiple times a day #44
  - Fixed: Ventilation is usually activated too often.
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Hello. I keep getting an ‘entity does not support this service’ error on one of my shades. It opens them fine in the morning (all SmartWings via zigbee) and around 9AM one shade (out of 4) goes down to 25%. They do not close at night. Here’s an error and the trace. Love the automation, but it’s hard for me to find the error.

Please update and try again. It looks like a very old version.
If the error still exists then please send me a trace.

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Hi, I have installed the latest version of the Blueprint. Unfortunately the shading function does not work, though all requirements are met. Here is the latest trace

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I cannot access your trace. Have to log in there.

thx for implementing negativ values!
but in this case the cover will still close if the temp i set is below the forecast temp or?

I asked for the opposite!

the cover should close if the temp i set is above the forecast temp!

Is that possible? :slight_smile:

Thank you! Looks like I was running a super old version. This one worked right away. I also saw your note and did individual ones - not a cover group. Thanks again!

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I Change the rights. Hopefully it does work now