☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

I’m looking for a way to close the covers in two phases. For example move them at 8pm to 80% and close the covers completely at 10pm.
Any ideas how to do this?

That’s not possible with this blueprint. Sorry.

I once implemented this myself. That was still under NodeRed. But in the end I wanted to protect my roller blind motors.

Thank you for your support!

Here is the trace → CCA - Trace - Pastebin.com

The problem has already been resolved with tukane.
The cause was incorrect starting positions, which lead to problems if no Cover Status Helper is used.
With Cover Status Helper it worked without any problems afterwards.

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I have just updated the beta version to 2024-08-29-beta.

For testers only please!

More volunteers welcome.

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Dans les parametres " Cover status Helper " pouvez-vous ajouter une options pour les utilisateurs qui ont les Etat des hauteurs et des lamelles séparement :

you probably won’t get an answer, if you write in french :upside_down_face:

Here’s how you can add an option in the “Cover status Helper” settings for users who have separate control over height and slat states:

  1. Height State: 0…255
  2. Slat State: 0…255

This setup allows users to independently adjust the height and slat positions, with each parameter ranging from 0 (fully closed) to 255 (fully open or fully tilted).

Hi, I don’t understand what you’re getting at. What am I supposed to do with it in the Cover Status Helper? No position information is actually stored there.

And aren’t the values actually percentages? So Position from 0-100 and Slat also from 0-100.

i have tried for some days but i couldn’t get the CCA working as i expect.
The shading didn’t start ans also closing the cover at min brightness won’t work.
Could someone tell me what i’m doing wrong?

You have moved your roller blind manually and also configured that shading should not be performed after manual roller blind movements.

override_shading_after_manual: true

Interessting, i didn’t moved the blinds. And the knx actor didn’t send any status update.

Something is not right. I would recognize that in previous traces.

Your Helper says that your roller blind is closed. However, your current position is 100%. So open. It is also configured this way.

Do you have an explanation for why your helper is out of rhythm?

Hi, first thx for the fast reply. :slight_smile:

I didn’t know why the helper status is wrong. I tried move the blind manuel and now the status in the helper for manuel is set to true. I hope that the auto close will work.

Maybe something is wrong in the configuration, but the blind will not close after manuel move.

  1. you have sent me a trace of a manual position change (trigger: t_manual_1). I can’t do anything with that. The correct trace is probably the one before it.

  2. exactly what you have configured happens. You have performed a manual shutter movement. So the helper “manual” goes to “True”.
    But then you have also configured that nothing may be executed after manual changes. No open, no close, no shading.

         "ignore_after_manual_config": [

Then it is clear that nothing else will happen.

Switch off these features first and start small with CCA.

In the second step, you need to find out why - apart from your interventions - manual interventions are made by KNX.

Here you could play around a little with the position tolerance (probably doesn’t matter here) and with the DriveTime.

Finally I had the chance to test your new beta version from end aof august.

One thing regarding resident function. If windows is tilted and the resident sensor goes to “on” with activated option for “Automatic closing due to the resident sensor”, the cover is closing completely.

Instead of this, it should go to the ventilation position because the window is tilted.

Hope, this helps you :slight_smile:

I also open an issue :wink:

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Great. Thank you. Good point.

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At the moment, this is only possible in beta.
With luck, I will release this version soon.

I started a beta phase for the first time because I have made major changes.