I have tried everything that I can think of to get this blueprint to work for me. It looks incredible, but I cannot get my iBlinds v3.1 (z-wave) to work with this script. It appears that all is working in traces, but no blind tilting ever happens. I did read that current_position attribute is required. All I have available is “current_tilt_position”. Would this cause the issue?
I have also selected the option “Prevent the use of ‘set_cover_position’ and ‘set_cover_tilt_position’ and only use the additional actions” due to the issue of the blueprint wanting to execute cover.set_cover_position rather than " cover.set_cover_tilt_position".
Would really like to get this blueprint working, it looks awesome! Thanks for any help!
Sorry for the late response. I have now solved it with a second automation system and a helper. In this automation, the roller shutter is moved to 50% at sun elevation -1.5 and then closed later. The whole thing only happens when the XMas helper is on and I have also set this helper in CCA under additional condition for closing the cover. This allows me to activate the helper during the Christmas period and only then are the specific shutters kept open and only closed completely later
I am quite new to HA (moving from IP Symcon). I got basic things working and now want to configure my shutters that are from an knx integration.
With CCA opening and closing in the morning / evening works already. But I have problems getting ventilation working. I added a window contact entity and enabled ventilation.
But when I close the window the shutter does not open.
I have the position_status in my shutter.
I am trying to add a condition that means that if the boolean is activated, the stores no longer open, basically that all automation is disabled. I would like to avoid making another automaton that deactivates this one.
Sorry, it took me some time to get a log. I usually try to keep my automations working (for my family) and managing to let one not working and getting a trace was a bit tricky for me.
Here it is: