Cover for switches (platform: rpi_gpio)

Hi, I’d like to configure one cover for two RPI switches. Now I have two switches on RPI which open or close my blind.

  • platform: rpi_gpio
    11: blind_down
    12: blind_up

I’d like to have one cover like this for garadge door:

Button up will open my blind (it will be turn on switch blind up (port 12)) and button down will close my blind (it will be turn on switch blind_down (port 11)). I know that I can use for this componet: cover for rpio platform, but I dont have state_pin for this configuration. Any ideas?

Do you got any answer? Or do you have the solution developed by yourself?

I am looking for the same solution. It is possible to code the cover buttons so, that they will turn on/off specific gpio pin? Or run specific python script?