Cover - MyQ Devices

I am brand spanking new here. I just loaded Home Assistant on an old Windows PC. I am relatively new to the smart home community as well - I have only purchased these devices from Chamberlain / MyQ. I have several “smart home” MyQ light switches and plug sockets, as well as garage door openers. I previously was able to control all of these devices through IFTTT, but since they started charging for the service, I have only been able to have the 3 commands. I was hoping to be able to access the lights and sockets through Home Assistant - and was really excited when the MyQ logo appeared in the list of integrations! A little disappointed that the lights and sockets have not shown up in HA - only the openers :worried:. I neither wish to pay the ransom of IFTTT, nor purchase new switches and sockets and trash the ones I have :sob:. Since IFTTT was able to do it (without a hardware upgrade), I was hoping that Home Assistant should be able to as well? :pray:t3: