I have just installed a Zemismart roller blind motor through Zigbee2MQTT. When I use the service cover.set_cover_position, the blinds will only move to a 10-position (so 0, 10, 20, 30 etc). Any other position gets rounded, eg. 12 gets rounded to 10. But because it’s a ‘zebra’ blind, I need more granular control.
Does anyone know how to change this behaviour?
I can’t find a configuration setting in Zigbee2MQTT. And Google comes up empty. Any help is appreciated.
I raised an issue on Github but it does not get any attention unfortunately. I still have not found a solution for this issue where the cover only moves in steps of 10%.
As it uses MQTT you could use mqttexplorer to see what the command is when you tell it to move to e.g.10%. Then issue a command through mqttexplorer to that same topic but using e.g.15% and see does it move to the new number. If it does then you could use a script and an input number helper as a slider to move it to whatever number you wanted via publish mqtt. Of course if you can’t set it to 15% then this won’t work.
I do not know if it is true for this blind also, but my motion blinds device uses the normal position for course control, and the tilt setting for very fine control (open or close the zebra stripes, so to speak). So you could check to see if yours does the same. If not, maybe use it as a hint for the developer to implement it. The position granularity may not be good enough, so I thought this to be a very elegant solution.
Unfortunately, my cover does not support tilting in HA. The granular control is available as click up/down in the Z2M interface, but not in Home Assistant.
Well at least there are some ideas to investigate.