Hi everyone, i have this roller shutter from Vimar (Vimar IoT Wireless) which are integrated in HA using the vimar homekit integration. If i understand correctly supported_features: 7 means that set_poisition, open and close are the only supported commands and the stop feature is missing. By the way, the official Vimar application has the possibility to instanst issue a stop to the blind but it seems that this function is not exposed via homekit (and neither using Google Home).
So i’m asking to have some hint to recreate this function using a script or an automation.
The aim is to stop all the roller shutters in the current position, mainly to stop them in case of something is stuck in the way.
I have the same question for an integration of 4 VELUX covers via VELUX netatmo gateway.
A quick check for documentation from Apple produces no obvious command.
It looks like they do not have commands like open, close and stop (like e.g. Zigbee has) but only seem to have target position and current position, both in percent. (I did not search in depth, just found this page with a spec that seems to describe Home Kit).
So a stop function would probably mean to send the current position as target (might not stop right away, but at least be close, maybe an additional offset may help to compensate the lag).
I can start to look into the code and try to see if I can fix this, but probably not before autumn or winter time - so if somebody has an idea and is familiar with the Home Kit integration support is very much appreciated.
Hi @execcr, was looking for another thing and stumbed across your post.
Had the same problem with old Vimar ByMe; long story short I solved it by creating an automation that looks for the event of the “stop command” and it than sends the command to toggle the blind.
If you need help on how to acheive it I can pass you mine automation code.