Since a few days, the cover.stop_cover service doesn’t work anymore on one of my 8 Fibaro roller shutter. (FGR222)
It’s work well with the physical button.
Could you please tell me how to investigate ? Where can I find or generate logs ?
Could you describe your installation? Notably which Z-wave integration you are using. If you have not yet moved to Z-Wave JS (or Z-wave JS MQTT) I strongly recommend doing it.
I have also 8 Fibaro Roller Shutters (FGR222) and I can stop them with thte graphical interface. To be honest I do not use the stop cover - in what situation do you need it? Another possibility (which I use e.g. for lowering the covers when there is too much sun) is to use the set_position functionality.
I am using the Z-Wave JS integration.
Nor the stop_cover or the interface is working to stop this cover. (The 7 others are working fine, and this one was working fine as well until now)
The set_position is working.