Cover UI with a slider

I have updated my Custom UI repo with a slider UI: (requires HA 0.40)


This is awesome stuff @andrey! I’ll have to look into all this one weekend and really take my UI to the next level. :slight_smile:

I cant seem to find the path you say “Copy the element and all its dependencies to www/custom_ui/ directory under you homeassistant config”
When I installed HA it was done using the Virtualenv method.

In you configuration dir (the one where your configuration.yaml is) create a www dir, and inside create custom_ui dir.

You will need to restart HA so it will notice the new www dir.

Thanks Andrey,
Got it working perfect. Except on my iphone they dont show up.
Do you know if that will be fixed up?

Hopefully 0.41 will fix iOS