Covers are filling my logs with an error and history is unknown

I have the following error showing up a lot in my logs but I’m not sure since exactly which HA version upgrade (certainly one of the March ones). All of my shutter controllers are Tasmota ESP and they have been working perfectly for ages and still do except for this error showing up and I now have unknown history for all of them. All of the devices are auto discovered, so no YAML config. I have also recently been getting a message back from Google Home devices of ‘that mode is not supported’ when I open/close the shutter by voice (though it does still open it).

This leads me to believe this error is causing both of these issues, but I’m not sure what (and then how) I can change something back to solve it?

Payload is not supported (e.g. open, closed, opening, closing, stopped): {"Time":"2021-04-02T08:58:56","Uptime":"11T00:41:39","UptimeSec":952899,"Heap":27,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":8,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"SSID","BSSId":"XXMACXX","Channel":1,"RSSI":92,"Signal":-54,"LinkCount":6,"Downtime":"0T00:03:24"}}

Nobody else having an issue with covers and this error?

yes, I have the same problem and struggling to resolve it.

I did resolve it in the end. I was using the mqtt integration of my Tasmota flashed sonoff DualR3’s. Once I changed these devices to the Tasmota integration, the problem resolved

Yes I bit the bullet and did the same. So far, so good.