Covers Manager - All you need to manage your covers!


I’m please to present you one of my last projects : Covers Manager
I know that many covers project already exist, but none matched what i needed since my Jeedom migration.

For now, only support Vertical Covers

The objective of the Covers Manager project is to provide a comprehensive solution for managing covers. The project aims to simplify and streamline the process of managing covers by automating various tasks and providing an efficient tool for users.

The Covers Manager project is designed to address the specific needs of managing covers, such as those used in home automation systems or other applications. It offers a range of features and functionalities to facilitate the management of covers, including opening, closing or manage covers position depending of sun position and temperature (indoor and outdoor). Overall, the objective of the Covers Manager project is to simplify and optimize the management of covers, providing users with a powerful and efficient tool for controlling their covers.

:package: Features

CoversManager is developped to help you with these features :

  • Opening covers (based on time, lux, sunrise hour)
  • Closing covers (based on time, lux, sunset hour)
  • Adaptive covers management based on sun position, indoor and outdoor temperature (optional)
  • Block adaptive changes when manual position change is detected

:grey_question: How this works

CoversManager works in 3 modes :

  • Opening (who manage covers opening - most of the time the morning)
  • Closing (who manage covers closing - most of the time the evening)
  • Adaptive (open or close covers fully or partially depending of sun position and indoor/outdoor temperature)


In your configuration, you can define one of the multiple type of opening supported.

  • Off (you don’t want CoversManager manage your opening)
  • Time (you define at which time CoversManager will open your covers)
  • Sunrise (your covers will open at sunrise time - calculated internaly by AppDaemon)
  • Lux (you define a minimal lux to open covers)
  • Prefer-Lux (it’s a combinaison of lux and custom time - useful in case of issue with your lux sensor, custom time will be your backup)

:warning: Warning

When using prefer-lux, you need to configure a time that will be later than the possible time where required lux will be triggered. Otherwise, opening will be used based on time as it will be the first triggered.


In your configuration, you can define one of the multiple type of opening supported.

  • Off (you don’t want CoversManager manage your opening)
  • Time (you define at which time CoversManager will open your covers)
  • Sunset (your covers will open at sunset time - calculated internaly by AppDaemon)
  • Lux (you define a minimal lux to open covers)
  • Prefer-Lux (it’s a combinaison of lux and custom time or dusk - useful in case of issue with your lux sensor, custom time or dusk will be your backup)

:warning: Warning

When using prefer-lux, you need to configure a time that will be later than the possible time where required lux will be triggered. Otherwise, closing will be used based on time as it will be the first triggered.


When adaptive mode is enable, each time the sun position change (based on sun.sun/azimuth), if sun is in window, CoversManager define the better cover position to :

  • let in the sun (if indoor temperature is less than the setpoint defined or outdoor temperature is less than indoor temperature) - Open 100%
  • keep the sun out but not the light (if indoor temperature is greater than the setpoint defined) - Partially open calculated with sun position and window parameters
  • keep the sun out (if outdoor temperature is greater than outdoor high temperature defined) - Close 100%

Please take a look in this project :