Cpu usage of Home Assistant

My Home assistant sometimes consumes more CPU than the day before without an obvious reason. I also know that e.g. switching on the camera for the vacuum robot bring cpu usage up (That why I had to implement an automated disabling of the camery entity when the robot is docked). What I would like to know: which core functions / integrations / automations etc. are consuming the CPU. Even in an ideal scenario, when HA is idle the usage is at around 3%, which is not a drama, but I would like to have an overview what is going in there (approx. every 10s the usage goes up to 8% - I suppose it’S the scheduler firing the template entities to be refreshed or the automations checked looking after the automations that might be triggered or even automotation fired - But I have no clue if it’s the case)

Also the memory consumption is quite high. Not sure if it would be possible to have a similar overview there - 620MB memory consumption on a raspi is quite a lot for a python-engined application?

thanks in advance!

see, that’s the point. I’ve installed the profiler and let it run. and now I have 2 files sitting there. how I can now figure out where the cpu is used - without having studied computer science. And I can tell you I have studied it - and still have no clue how to evaluate the result. Home assistant should provide a proper UI for that - IMO

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could you elaborate how Glances would answer the question from my first post? Thanks!

It can show you how much memory, cpu, network and IO each add-on is using in real time. Not as specific as which automation, but it might be a place to start.

I see, but too complicated to me. couldn’t get glance to run an http server. and I’m back ti square one… still have no clue.

But please don’t blame HA for it. You have two solutions, that both answer your question. Don’t getting these implemented is a different problem.

Anyway, this turns more and more into a question, rather than a feature request… If so, this should be moved to Configuration - Home Assistant Community

hmm, I see it differently. But I also get your point. And since it’s not really critical, I’m ok with moving it into a discussion room. I’m not going to spend time on it though anymore. IMO, HA could have such a dashboard built in, but it’s probably not very urgent as of now. Thanks for the hints though! shouldn’t be blaming from my side. I just tend to give up if the things don’t work from scratch. HA has been a very nice application so far. I’m very happy with it and also with the community here. I do appreciate the answers. maybe it doesn’t sound like that in writing sometimes… hence once again: thanks for pointing to the integrations.