Ever since upgrading to 0.43 I’ve noticed that at random times the CPU use seems to ramp up, as well as the load. If I leave it unattended over time, the load goes all the way up to 7 and the RPI3 gets to about 80c.
Top reveals that it’s Python in combination with Hass that’s causing this. I can’t, however, figure out why it’s doing it and what it’s causing the problem.
I’ve reinstalled my RPi3 completely and restored my configuration, but only partly to see if I can identify the issue. So far I haven’t had luck finding out what it is.
Is there any way I can find out what’s causing the problem?
I’m having the same issue with 0.43. When I look at htop it is showing that a couple HA processes are using a lot of the CPU. The only significant change to my configuration.yaml file recently was adding ios: for the HA app.
Normally the CPU Use card shows about 2-3% usage, but as you can see in the image now it’s a pretty consistent 14%.