CPU use and Average Load slowly keep on increasing

Hey there,

Ever since upgrading to 0.43 I’ve noticed that at random times the CPU use seems to ramp up, as well as the load. If I leave it unattended over time, the load goes all the way up to 7 and the RPI3 gets to about 80c.

Top reveals that it’s Python in combination with Hass that’s causing this. I can’t, however, figure out why it’s doing it and what it’s causing the problem.

I’ve reinstalled my RPi3 completely and restored my configuration, but only partly to see if I can identify the issue. So far I haven’t had luck finding out what it is.

Is there any way I can find out what’s causing the problem?

Thank you!

I’m having the same issue with 0.43. When I look at htop it is showing that a couple HA processes are using a lot of the CPU. The only significant change to my configuration.yaml file recently was adding ios: for the HA app.

Normally the CPU Use card shows about 2-3% usage, but as you can see in the image now it’s a pretty consistent 14%.

I think there might be something up with ios:?

I recently added ios:, too. My RPi 3 is still at 2-3% and 42-45°C

I don´t have these Problems, actually. The peaks on the Picture are causes by the Update to 0.43.1 and an restart of HA.

The update to 0.43.1 has solved the issue. I still don’t know what caused it, but it’s stable now.

Same here. After I switched to 0.43.1 my CPU use dropped dramatically. I’m averaging between 1-3% on a RPi3.