CPVAN BC01 camera

Hi all,

I recently connected a new camera (CPVAN BC01) with my network. The intention was to integrate it within my Home Assistant, however I’m struggling with this.
I’ve tried numerous ways of connecting it through RTSP, but when I use the following (HACS; WebRTC Camera) I get an error I/O time out…
type: custom:webrtc-camera
url: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/av_stream/ch0

I’ve looked through the internet to find more information on connecting this camera (CVPVAN BC01), but no luck yet.

Any tips or tricks that can help me connect to this camera? Thanks!

Try connecting to camera using VLC from your PC to verify address and trap feed works

Thanks for the tip! I tried it through VLC, but got the same error that it couldn’t connect.

Probably wrong rtsp address if VLC not work