Crash after restoring backup

Hello community,
after upgrading to 2024.4 I saw some strange behavior in my automation so I decided to restore my backup from last week. After I tried that, I cannot reach http://homeassistant.local:8123/ anymore. The observer is showing:


Does anybody has a idea what I can do next?


Try with the IPv4 address of your HA instance.

sorry I forgot to add that. I already tried that - same “This site can’t be reached” message.

What is HA installed on ?

I installed the HA image at a Raspberry Pi 4.

Can you attach a keyboard and screen ?

Oh good point.

Here all looks normal. I see the HA welcome screen including:

OS Version: HA OS 12.1
HA Core: 2024.3.3


But still, when I connect to the observer it works, not for port 8123.

ha core logs

will show the logs

or try

ha core repair
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Oh, I was not aware of that options. You made my day, it is working again!