Crash Recovery Questions... And Help Request

So, I’m recovering from a corrupted SD card and am rebuilding my instance of HA from scratch.
I knew Id have a bunch of questions and problems so I started a thread so they’d all be in one place.

I’m running a Pi 3 with the 64 bit image… and its seems to be running fine.
I’m still using the default dashboard… i wanted to have as few “non-standard” items installed while I bring the beast to life.
The configuration.yaml file is the default one I’ve not touched it.

What’s done so far

  1. I’ve rebuilt and have started populating the instance
  • installed samba - Its working
  • installed SSH - Its working
  • installed HACS via SSH - Its working
  • installed VSCode - Its working

Question 1.
I’ve got two people defined… their cards show up but each has a caption/title underneath that says UNKNOWN… why?
PersonCardsThe settinga card looks “normal”

Is this just a product of the default dashboard?

Question 2.
In my previous instance I had a ZWave controller with all my ZWave devices discovered by it. Its currently NOT connected to the USB slot on the Pi box… do I just plug it back in and HA will see what on the stick and import the entities? Or do I need to reset the stick and let it discover all the devices all over again and then plug it into the Pi?

Question 3.
I do not have any ZWave integration installed yet… Should I install ZWave JS first or after the ZWave controller.

Thanks all!

So… the answer to #1 is that I needed to take control of the default dashboard and deselect the “Show Status” toggle on the card…

2 and 3 still out standing