I wish to create a binary sensor charging/not_charging for the offgrid inverter.
The charging stops when battery reaches 100%
(sensor.battery_state_of_charge =100 or >99)
The charging starts again when the battery drops below 95% (sensor.battery_state_of_charge <95).
Also charging mode change to “charging” when inverter mode changes from battery to anything else instead
sensor.device_mode != ‘Solar/Battery’
I have no idea how to start, by helper or edit directly configuration.yaml
Also I don’t understand how to put those IF’s on the State template field.
Additionally another binary sensor would be helpful:
“true” if sensor.battery_state_of_charge=100
reset to “false” by day pass (hour 00:01) or after some time (48h for example)
I am open to other ideas.
What is the point (use) of the sensor?
I try to let the battery charge from solar once /day to allow the balancing of the lithium cells.
After that I play with DHW heating elements (diverter 3x1500W) discharging and recharging between 85% and 95% SOC.
It seems after some research, trial and error I have this code which tested for TRUE and for FALSE situation (with another dummy sensor for battery state of charge).
{% set var_temp = states('sensor.battery_state_of_charge') | float %}
{% set var_temp2 = states('sensor.battery_power') | float %}
{% if var_temp < 95 or var_temp2 > 50 %} TRUE
{% endif %}
{% if var_temp == 100 %} FALSE
{% endif %}
The condition <95 or >50 just triggers the binary sensor to be “set” (charging ON).
If the var is >95 or the var2 <50 does not mean the boolean should reset.
The reset is done by ==100 condition (charging off).
In the sensor dependent values moves in between, the binary sensor just keep its previous state.
So this is just two if’s not if/else.
It works as expected so far.
I’m surprised. I now see what you’re trying to do, but an empty output is an error state, not a “hold prior value” instruction.
This sounds like a job for a trigger-based template binary sensor, which is currently only available via YAML; or an automation switching an input boolean helper.
On the same principle, the implementation for my second request from the first post looks like this:
{% set var_temp1 = states('sensor.battery_state_of_charge') | float %}
{% set minutes = now().minute %}
{% set hours = now().hour %}
{% if hours == 0 and minutes == 1 %} FALSE
{% endif %}
{% if var_temp1 == 100 %} TRUE
{% endif %}
The entity binary_sensor.pylontech_charging_cycle_done is supposed to turn true when SOC reaches 100 and resets when the day changes (hh:mm = 00:01) or maybe I am changing the condition for “reset” action (SOC<80, timer 72h, etc.)