Create a card that cycles through a set of cards

I am rather new to Home Assistant and currently setting up my dashboard. So far, I figured out most of what I want using resources from here or elsewhere on the internet. But now I am stuck.

I have a couple of temperature sensors and want to have one card on the dashboard that cycles through the temperatures, displaying each (along with a name for the sensor) after another.
My first idea for implementation is to have a card that cycles through a list of cards, but I could not find any existing component for this.

Thanks in advance for any pointers!

These don’t flick through cards, they do allow multiple entities and have a graph! You need HACs for the first one. Stats one is built in. There may be a flick/shuffle card in HACs.

type: custom:mini-graph-card
HACs Custom card

type: statistics-graph

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This allows to show card under conditions, you could stack them so they stay together.

Conditional Card - Home Assistant (

I was thinking about suggesting the conditional.

Can you setup the condition to change on a tap action. Perhaps a script with a counter.
0 1 2 3 4 > repeat

Tap action increment script counter.

Thank you, HasQT and vingerha for pointing me in the right direction.

I set up an input_number for the counter and an automation with a time pattern that increments the counter. With this, I could use a conditional card.
A bit more complicated than I thought and with a lot of code duplication, but it’s working. Maybe I’ll move the logic into a template that provides the label and temperature based on the counter - that way I would not need all the conditional cards.

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You could also add HACS card templater, adding template capabilities, but this not necessarily makes it less complex

Or even simpler: GitHub - bramkragten/swipe-card: Card that allows you to swipe throught multiple cards for Home Assistant Lovelace.

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