I did build 2 CC2530 Router as described over here:
The description worked like charme and after 1 hour I flashed the Devices with the Router .hex Firmware and everthing seemed fine. Both Devices are up and running.
But I cannot detect these devices in my Homeassistent Installation. I have already a Zigbee network with more than 50 devices (Which is the reason for the 2 routers). The Zigbee Coordinator (A ConBee II from Dresden electronic) is plugged into my Rasperry 4B USB Slot with my HomeAssistent Installation on top of the Raspberry 4B+.
Even after allowing the “zha Integration” to join Zigbee Devices automatically - no success:(. I can neither see the 2 new routers in the:
a) Zigbee Log
b) The visual Dashboard
c) in the Zigbee Device /Entity List.
You may have a suggestion how to slove that issue since I’m at my wits end.
‘more than 50 devices (Which is the reason for the 2 routers).’
Are you sure you have not hit the upper limit of devices that can connect to your coordinator? Do you have any existing routers that are working on the network where you can ‘add via’ these new devices?
With up and running I meant I’m sure the devices are working properly, the approriate firmware has been installed and the power supply is guaranteed. I didn’t reach the upper limit yet, right now 44 devices & yesterday there still were 48 - I deletet 4. Yes I have existing endpoints which also work as router (Plugs, Bulbs,…)