Create a Floorplan Image in Minutes for Free

On the HA demo page there is a nice Floorplan image, but creating one is time consuming. Amazon Alexa has a new feature “Map View” that scans a room and creates a floorplan in minutes. I was able to create a floorplan of my living room and kitchen in about 5 minutes. I took a screen shot of the completed room and did some minor editing in a paint program. Here is the result. So if your looking for a quick way to create a floorplan map check out Map View.

Love the idea, but I’m not sure I trust Amazon enough to scan my entire home for them. Can anyone point to how the data is used? I’m fine with local processing of scans to render 2d/3d floorplans locally on the device for image file saves if that’s all it does. I recall there was another similar product before this Amazon announcement but don’t recall the name of the app.