Create a group with all lights and more


I want to create a group that contains all lights plus some additional switches. I wonder how to mention all lights in the groups entities section.

I found plenty of related tipps there: PSA: Turn on/off all lights in Home Assistant 0.104+ (group.all_* changes) but they all seem to focus how to use it in templates, not some “virtual” entities like group.all_lights.

Use case is to have common switch and state for all lights + some switches.


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Use expand on the group inside a template, employing the methods used in the post you linked.

Hey, could you elaborate a bit?

Do you suggest to create a group from a templated expression? How so? Groups don’t seem to support value_template or alike.

Or should I create a sensor and a switch from the template? I think I could do that, but would prefer to use a group.


Make the static group. Use the expand function (A home assistant function used to expand groups into state objects) inside a template. Then use the state objects to map the information that you want. I’m not sure what you mean by this

Or this

This however, does exactly what you claim PSA: Turn on/off all lights in Home Assistant 0.104+ (group.all_* changes) doesn’t do. It creates a group of all lights or all switches, and then you can turn on or off the groups.

I think we somehow misunderstanding each other…

I can have a group:

  name: Licht
    - light.esstisch_1
    - light.esstisch_2
    - light.esstisch_3
    - light.esstisch_4
    - [... all lights ...]
    - switch.janus_1

This group gives me a state and a common switch for all the lights and for switch.janus_1.

What I am trying to do is instead of writing every single light in the entities list, is to use an expression for all lights.

Is that possible with a group? Or should I go with a Template Switch - Home Assistant?

Thanks and sorry for the confusion!

It’s covered in that thread, just not the main post

- alias: Create Beleuchtung Group
    id: create_beleuchtung_group
    - platform: time
      at: '00:00:00'
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - platform: event
      event_type: call_service
        domain: template
        service: reload
    - service: group.set
        object_id: beleuchtung
        entities: >
          {{ expand(states.light, 'switch.janus_1') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}

Thanks Petro! Although this feels a little hacky it works great.

Would it be possible to do something like this for a light group? Meaning, the domain would be light rather than group, but still have it’s entities defined as a template rather than a static list of entities.

I don’t believe it’s possible w/ new style groups.

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