Create a sensor based on power draw above current state

This is a tricky one! I have two older heat pumps that I can’t hack for WiFi control but I’ve managed to control one with Broadlink and another with Harmony. But of course, I have no status reporting so HA has no idea what state the heat pumps are in.

I do however have a whole house power monitoring system based on Modbus.

What I’d like to try and do is create a true/false state template sensor based on the current power draw + a fixed amount as the power consumption jumps a known amount when the heat pump/s is turned on.

In theory I’d need three sensors?

  • Power now + power jump value when heat pump one is on
  • Power now + power jump value when heat pump two is on
  • Power now + power jump value when both heat pumps are on

Is that doable?

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Maybe a trend binary sensor can be used to detect the jumps/drops in power?

If not, I think it’s totally doable with a python_script. Template sensor could work, but it might be tricky