Create a stand alone device

Hello everybody, I would like to create a stand alone esphome device. My question is, is there any chance to control or manage a esphome device by an app (without home assistant)… as it happens for shelly devices and their app??

It has a web server component to serve up a simple web interface. Web Server Component — ESPHome

You will have to disable the API timeout reboot setting. See Native API Component — ESPHome

And if not connecting to a wifi network there’s a wifi timeout reboot setting you have to disable too. WiFi Component — ESPHome

And nobody thought about an app yet?
Sorry for the question that sounds ironic, but I don’t understand which is the hard part to create one and make it easy to manage those devices.
Can somebody explain me the obstacles to create one?

Check this one: Announcing ESPHome Web App -- Control ESPHome microcontrollers without Home Assistant / ESPHome

BTW if manage means deploy, update, see logs: install Python + esphome on any Windows/Linux machine and use ESPHome Dashboard.

I have plenty of stand alone Esphome devices. I use “app” called Chrome :wink:, never had difficulties to manage my devices.
Also be aware that your devices can communicate between each other, you might only need one web server to manage them all.
No one prevents you to write an web app though…


Nice reply @Karosm , but can you imagine to explain to my old parents to open Chrome, search the devices IP address or so and control them… Now that they just learnt how to use WhatsApp?? I would avoid new problem. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Make a shortcut on home screen.


Exactly. Opening a bookmark to the ESP device web page is no different than opening an app.

Save bookmark on Home Screen

Setup simple webpage with links and bookmark that

But why not just use Home assistant? Dont understand the goal fully.

There is quite a difference between Home Assistant setup and Esphome on $2 dev board. If you want just one drink, you don’t build distillery…

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You can buy a pi for $40. I would not say that was a distillery. Perhaps a box of beers. Small change to create a local hub! Any way you have the option

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Cost is always a valid response no matter how much.

What are they controlling? Just one esp or multiple?

Maybe direct control with HomeKit or google home? That would be best solution

What is Home assistant controlling with barebones $40 Pi?
I have multiple Esphomes, air conditioning, solar PV inverter, water heater power control, few BLE T/Rh devices, multiple Shellys… All automation in Esphome.
I will setup HA at some point, but don’t underestimate capability of Esphome standalone.

I have one at work that can read my RFID card used at work to log in on my computer.
If I need to update something on it I connect to its wifi and open the browser.
I wouldn’t want an app for this. I try to minimize my use/need for apps.
And even if there was an app it would just display the same webpage the browser does.

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Question was meant for OP.
@Bibbita, what are you planning to control?

Is it automation only or web interface also?

This question is for you. You got me curious now.
I have family I want to setup ESP devices for but think HA is too much. Been thinking about what will work seamlessly for them. Curious how you use beyond the automations.

Quite spartan but I wouldn’t even prefer something fancy.

I wanted to activate a switchbot lock pro using a web hook with IFTTT, activated with an Esp. They should work directly without homeassistant, just with the router. At least, that was my idea.

This is very interesting.

Am I correctly understanding that the web server can still be accessed without a WiFi or HA connection?

If so, what determines the address it is accessed at?

Aside from setting the reboot timeouts for network and API to 0s, what else needs to be done to make this happen and always accessible?

If you want to use it both without API and without connecting to your wifi router, then you need to set Esp in AP-mode.