I currently have total increasing sensors for solar generation and mains consumption, but not for mains export. But this should be easy to determine from the solar generation minus the mains consumption, as long as that is positive. However, what I have come up with for a template sensor seems overly complicated, and I wondered if I’m missing a simpler way to do it. It would be far easier if both were measured in IotaWatt and I could use its (mathematic) integration feature to accumulate the positive/negative values separately, but unfortunately my solar figures come from the inverter itself.
What I have come up with is this monstrosity:
- name: mainsexport_kwh_accumulated
state: "{% if this.attributes.last_state is defined %}
{% set consumed = ((states('sensor.mainsconsumption_wh_accumulated') | float / 1000) - (this.attributes.last_consumed)) %}
{% set produced = ((states('sensor.solaredge_i1_ac_energy_kwh') | float) - (this.attributes.last_produced)) %}
{% set exported = produced - consumed %}
{% if exported > 0 %}
{{ (this.attributes.last_state | default(0)) + exported }}
{% else %}
{{ (this.attributes.last_state | default(0)) }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}"
last_produced: "{{ states('sensor.solaredge_i1_ac_energy_kwh') | float }}"
last_consumed: "{{ states('sensor.mainsconsumption_wh_accumulated') | float / 1000 }}"
last_state: "{% if this.attributes.last_state is defined %}
{% set consumed = ((states('sensor.mainsconsumption_wh_accumulated') | float / 1000) - (this.attributes.last_consumed)) %}
{% set produced = ((states('sensor.solaredge_i1_ac_energy_kwh') | float) - (this.attributes.last_produced)) %}
{% set exported = produced - consumed %}
{% if exported > 0 %}
{{ (this.attributes.last_state | default(0)) + exported }}
{% else %}
{{ (this.attributes.last_state | default(0)) }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}"
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
state_class: total_increasing
device_class: energy
Basically, I try to keep track of the last values in attributes, and compute the new value based on those. I have no idea if this works yet as its currently dark and there’s no solar production. But does anyone know a better way to compute this other than writing my own HA integration? Or at the very least, can I avoid duplicating all the code for the ‘last_state’ attribute? Is there nothing built into HA to get the last state when updating the state?