Create an information card for a lot of things


I’m trying to create a card what displays certain information that i want to show.
Entities in certain states.

What i want to show:

  • A few windows when open (fixed on the settings below)
  • Lights when on (fixed on the settings below)
  • Smoke detectors when “on” (fixed on the settings below)
  • When the “waste” sensor is on a certain state
  • Mediaplayer when playing
  • When battery sensors are under 25%

With the entitiy filter card it’s easy to show devices that are all on the same state.
But how can i show more enities on different states in one card?

type: entity-filter
  - entity: switch.sonoff_10007569c4
    name: Eettafel
      action: toggle
  - entity: group.sfeerlampen
      action: toggle
  - entity: light.dimmable_light_2
    name: Keuken
      action: toggle
  - entity: switch.sonoff_1000d89e19_2
    name: Bijkeuken
      action: toggle
  - entity: light.fibaro_system_fgd212_dimmer_2_level_2
    name: Hal
      action: toggle
  - entity: switch.sonoff_1000d89116
    name: Toilet
      action: toggle
  - entity: group.licht_buiten
    name: Buiten
      action: toggle
  - entity: light.dimmable_light_3
    name: Slaapkamer
      action: toggle
  - binary_sensor.openclose_19
  - binary_sensor.openclose_13
  - binary_sensor.openclose_38
  - binary_sensor.fire_16
  - binary_sensor.fire_24
  - binary_sensor.fire_25
  - binary_sensor.fire_26
  - binary_sensor.fire_27
  - binary_sensor.fire_28
  - 'on'
  type: glance
  title: Actueel

If i could add more entity-filter cards in this card it would be the solutions of the problem, but i don’t know how!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Vertical stack?

Never used this but this does exactly what i want, but when the entity filter card has nothing to display you see a black beam between the cards.
What do i have to do to not see the beam?

There is a custom card in HACS called Vertical Stack In Card. It does the same as a vertical stack, but with no card borders, so the whole thing looks like one card.

Alternatively, you might try making the card backgrounds transparent, so when they have nothing to display they disappear altogether. This is easiest to do in the theme: card-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0). It will affect all your dashboards, though, so other things may not look right.


This is what i’m looking for, tnx!! :+1::ok_hand: