Create and edit devices from "outside". Api, Rest, commandline option available?


Is there any option to manipulate HA from outside?

I’d like to

  • create new devices
  • edit existing divices like adding, removing labels or set active/inactive
  • delete devices

Is there any option like api, HACS plugin, is it possible using some rest calls or anything from OS level?

Rest API: REST API | Home Assistant Developer Docs
Webhook: Mastering Home Assistant Webhooks – A Comprehensive Guide to Automating Your Smart Home – ChatableApps

Or MQTT. (EDIT: Only for creating devices or pushing sensor values; no deleting, of course.)

What’s your use case? Remote provisioning? Selling vendor appliances?

I suspect what you want to do at scale here isn’t exactly what HA was created for, but hopefully you can clarify that.

Exactly, Sample, I have 50 Enties which I’d like to add a label “ignore” to hide in dashboards, or, there are 20 MQTT devices created automatically and each of them have unneeded entities like “Wifi strength” I want to deactivate them in a mass action. Or mass deployment of helpers. …