Create climate entity from sensors


I try to find a way to create a climate entity.
In Node red I retrieve the current temperature of a room and the set temp for this room in 2 different sensors.

Is there a way in node red or in HA to use these 2 sensors to create a new climate entity I can use in my lovelace ?

With this you can create nodes in nodered and fill them with whatever you need and it will create an entity in homeassistant directly upon saving in nodered.

Don’t forget to add this in node red:

yes i use that to create sensor … but i can’t create climate

If you want to have clear answer, please ask a clear question.

sorry … it was in my first message.

Sorry, for me that question is not clear. What do you want?

Edit: So your question actually has nothing to do with node red? You are asking to make a “climate entity” in homeassistant? And add sensor data to that?

Then might be better to ask in the lovelace frontend section of the forum. Probably you need to make a template (climate) and add the sensors in that (but that is beyond my knowledge).

edit: example here:

I reply to this topic since I want exactly what the title says: create an entity climate in nodered to be use as node on HA. I have my heating system managed from external system. With node-red I can read temperature and status of heating (enabled, active) and write the setpoit temperature. From node-red I can only create entity of binary sensor, or switch as @arnaud said. Is it there a way to do so?
Thanks for help :wink:

If you want a thermostat in HA, you’ll need to make a climate entity in HA. There is no node to create a climate entity for HA in nodered.

If you want a thermostat in nodered it would only be controllable through automations from triggers in HA.

you can create a generic thermostat in HA and populate its attributes with a sensor created in NR


Thanks guys. Let’s say that I create the generic thermostat in HA. I use my temperature sensor. Since the heating is controlled external from HA or NR, I’ve an unsyncronized management of the output command. Am I wrong with this point of view? I want to enable-disable and control the target temperature in lovelace, this is the goal.


Still no way to create climate entity from NR ? Only sensors and switches ?

It should be a great improvement to be able to create an entity from any domain and populate attributes directly from NR.

In my case I used MQTT Broker on the raspy and in NR I managed pub/sub on the topic in the “local” MQTT Broker.
In HA I’ve configured manually all my MQTT climate object manually. Double work but for me now is perfect.