Create dummy log sensor and show in the frontend

In my frontend I wanted to have a seperate page with all log informations of actions that are executed automatic in Node-RED.

For this I have created a dummy sensor (which collects all kinds of logging info of different entities) in my configuration.yaml:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Dummy log entity"
        value_template: "on"

In the frontend I have added a logbook card:

type: logbook
  - sensor.dummy_log_entity
hours_to_show: 48

From Node-RED I created a log item:

The result of the logbook option in the sidebar (which are correct):

But in my own page in the frontend I see this:


So it doesn’t show the logged items.

I have reinstalled Home Assistant on a Raspeberry. The previous installation of Home Assistant on a pc everything was working correctly.

Does somebody know what I’m doing wrong?

Edit: I see that the topic is moved to the Node-RED forum. But Node-RED does everything okay. The problem is that the logbook card in lovelace is not showing the correct information which you see correctly in the Logbook sidebar option.

Call the service to write to the log from HA’S dev tools, see if it’s the same result. If it is, you should probably pose a new question excluding the nodered parts. Any mention of nodered usually gets rerouted to the NR forum.

If it is solely NR then connect debug nodes to see what is going on. Use an event state of the dummy log into a debug node as well. Set the debug node to complete message object.

Calling the log service from the developers tool gives the same problem.

The new log entry is NOT visible in the lovelace logbook card but it is visible in the logbook in the sidebar (and choose the dummy sensor).

It seems to be a bug:

logbook card show no automation trigger after update · Issue #9732 · home-assistant/frontend (

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