friendly_name: Estimated energy cost total
icon_template: mdi:cash
unit_of_measurement: "SEK"
value_template: "{{ (states('input_text.electricity_price_per_kwh')|float) * (states('sensor.home_energy')|float) }}"
input_text.electricity_price_per_kwh is a helper where I define my fixed cost per kWh (in my case the value is “2.02”) (thank you Swedish government for increasing it with about 100% lately lol)
sensor.home_energy is a Powercalc group sensor that accumulates all my home energy consumption in total.
What I do then is that I create Utility meters as helpers for tracking it periodically:
Swedish: Jag hade EON 0.60 öre fram till 1 nov. Nu har jag Fortum 120 öre 3 år framåt. Tänk på att du ska räkna med energiskatten och nätavgiften med för att du ska få fram ditt totala pris. I mitt fall är 2.01 SEK/kWh alltså 120 öre + skatt och avgifter från EON.
Would like to have an entity that shows the cost today in SEK (and resets every night) and one entity showing the cost of the month (and resets every month).
Hi Guys. I might be a little off topic.
Has anyone managed to create entity which adds daily charge in to the total used energy?
I have 2 tariffs meter which I know how to automate it so they calculate peak and off peak separately. I am trying to figure out how to add daily charge in to daily usage. Basically my bill is made of 3 charges.
Peak time usage (£/kWh) plus off peak usage (£/kWh) and daily charge (£/day).
Can anyone help please?