Create/Import entity values (for the past)

I’m using HA for Energy Counter recording since 2 Month… in the past I used an Excel table.

|8453 |8702 |8706 |8838 |8853 |

So… It would be great if there was a method to import the values from table into HA.

I recently got this, not tested it myself …the second one is only for a specific data-source though

ldotlopez/ha-historical-sensor: Historical sensors for Home Assistant (

chocomega/statistics_importer: This Python script retrieves statistics from MyElectricalData’s cache database and imports them into Home Assistant via the WebSocket API. (

THX - I’ll try it :wink:

And there is also an option via spook … but reading the disclaimers, I also believe this may make your system unspported (It works fine on my dev instance though)
frenck/spook: Spook :ghost: Not your homie (

Unfortunately all of this solutions can’t solve my problem. I thought it would be possible to add past values to an existing entity. But Homeassistant has a different opinion :wink: I don’t understand why import hasn’t been available as a standard feature for a long time.

I agree to have not tested either fo them but they do promise to load historical data…address them directly I would say