Create light groups from the Lovelace UI

It would be great if the Light Group functionality could be extended to be used from the Lovelace UI instead of the YAML config. While I am comfortable using YAML to create device groups, some people are not, so a UI implementation of the group functionality would save a lot of manual config changes. While UI cards grouping lights together is fine, it does not allow proper brightness and color control.

I second this

following, this would be amazing!

Is anyone working on this? How do feature suggestions get ‘officially’ prioritized? It seems to align with lots of other changes (moving towards a more UI-based setup) so a natural fit for me, but from what I can tell not something anyone is actually doing anything about.

No aspect of Feature Requests is ‘official’. It’s a wish list.

If someone with appropriate development skills likes the idea, and has available time, they will create it and submit it as Pull Request in the appropriate Home Assistant Github repository. Then someone from the development team will review and vet the PR. If it attempts to make a significant changes that deviate from the norm, it may have to first undergo an Architectural review.

Anyway, first thing is someone has to be sufficiently interested in the Feature Request to implement it. If no one is interested, regardless of its merits, the Request will never be fulfilled.


Would really like this feature.